“SHOYU”features the untapped Japanese local food and culture.
Japanese gastronomy has been in the spotlight for some time now;
not just within Japan but from all over the world.
However, the profundity of its nature gets in the way for many even for the people of Japan.
“SHOYU” maximizes ways to enjoy Japanese food culture and deliver it to you,
anywhere in the world.
SHOYU supports every travel addicts to find new travel experience.
Unexplored Japanese local food and the joy it brings.
Beyond well-known sushi and tempura.
There are 47 prefectures in Japan.
And every single prefecture follows its own culture
and has devoted food culture of its own, from manufacturing methods to food
Through the words of the local culinary professionals and experience programs,
we dig into the heart of Japanese food tourism
and maximize the value and inspiration.
With SHOYU, you can find and explore the never experienced food tourism
that you have been looking for…
And that is our mission.

Roots of SHOYU
SHOYU, in other words Soy Sauce is known to bring out the deliciousness of the ingredients.
We will be the SHOYU of all the explorers in the world
and bring you the unapproached food cultures of Japan


Investigate Japanese food culture
and cover the experience

Introduce tours and places that
you can experience together

Recommendation by SHOYU
GUIDE*1 on Japanese food
culture of their area
*1 SHOYU GUIDE is a local expert, and also an influencer who recommended the food culture of the area